

By: Kelsey Merriam

If you’re into politics, Brussels would be a great first stop for you! The European Parliament is located in the center of Brussels. You can get a tour of the parliament on weekdays, but it is still interesting to walk around on the weekends. 23 different languages are required to be written on every sign. Every country’s flag stands around the building. Another great tourist attraction is the Atomium. You can go to the top for under ten Euros and get a great view of the city. Indulge in the world-known beer, waffles and chocolate. There are plenty of pubs and shops around the Grand Place where you can get mouthwatering food. The city is famous for their mitraillete sandwiches. This sandwich is a baguette filled with meat, salad toppings, frites and topped with andalusian sauce. While this sandwich sounds like a motherload, save room for a delicious Belgian waffle topped with Nutella. On this weekend getaway there will be no need to pack a belt. Brussels has great nightlife with unique clubs. One club was an old church that they turned into a jungle-themed club. Try a chocolate beer when you go out and you’ll be the happiest traveller around. Many different languages are spoken in Brussels, so you will be able to find English signs nearly everywhere. Brussels is also much cheaper than London.