HMV Forum

Also known as London Forum or Kentish Town Forum, this venue is located in Kentish Town near Camden. The easiest way to reach this venue is by taking the Northern line to Kentish Town. When you exit the station, turn left and walk two or three blocks. It is on the other side of the road. The venue itself is awesome. It was originally built in 1934 and was used as a movie theatre for ages. When you sit in the balcony of the venue, you can tell that the theatre is an antique, but nowadays it’s used mainly for concerts. I was lucky enough to see UFO perform to a crowd of 300-400 people and the place was packed. It’s a small venue with excellent acoustics. The balcony has velvet bench-style seating and the downstairs has an open floor area. There are bars located on both levels. This a great place to see a concert and it has been the host of some of the most renowned artists including James Brown, Alice in Chains, and The Who.

-Emily Herron