By Rachel Path

The BAFTAs, for all of those who are not movie addicts like myself, are basically the British Academy Awards.  They do the whole shebang, from the red carpet glamour to the less eventful live broadcast of award show.  For reason beyond me or anyone else, NBC decided it was a great idea to send three 20 year-old girls to interview the likes of George Clooney and Brad Pitt at the red carpet portion of the event.  Genius, no?  We all acted completely professional one hundred percent of the time of course…well, there may have been a few squeals and giggle fits.  No one, and I mean no one can contain themselves around the charms of George Clooney.  It is truly impossible.  Besides that guy, we were able to see and interact with Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer (now an Academy Award winner),  Meryl Streep, Daniel Radcliffe, Jonah Hill, Jean Dujardin, Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), Shailene Woodley, Paul Feig (the director of Bridesmaids), and even tried to pull an “M-I-Z” on a few Mizzou alumni  (Jon Hamm and Brad Pitt anyone?).  However, in all seriousness, it was a phenomenal learning experience.  Our cameraman (poor guy) insisted we all do stand ups, so we were all able to write our own scripts and film them on the red carpet, and of course we got in some great interviewing practice.